
更新时间: 2024.09.20 05:21 阅读:








Introduction:The final settlement of non-resident EIT in 2021 has begun. Which non-resident enterprises need to make the final settlement? How to do it? When to do it? What documents do you need to submit?


Objects of the final settlement


Non-resident enterprises (hereinafter referred to as enterprises) established in accordance with the laws of foreign countries (regions) and whose actual management institutions are not located in China but have set up establishments or places in China shall, regardless of profits or losses, participate in the filings of returns of the enterprise income tax on a consolidated basis in accordance with the provisions of the Enterprise Income Tax Law and the Administrative Measures for the Settlement and Payment of EIT on Non-resident Enterprises.





In any of the following circumstances, the enterprises are not required to make the final settlement of income tax of the year:

1. The enterprises provisionally come to China to contract projects and provide labor services for less than 1 year,terminate operating activities in the middle of the year, and have settled taxes;

2. The enterprises have canceled the registration during the final settlement;

3. Other circumstances under which the enterprises should not apply for the final settlement of income tax of the year with the approval of the competent tax authority.


How to apply for the final settlement of income tax?


When is the time limit for the final settlement?



The taxpayer shall submit the annual return on payment of enterprises income tax to the tax authorities within five months of the end of the year,implement accounting and final settlement and settle the payable and refundable taxes.

In case of termination of operating activities in the middle of the year,the enterprises shall handle the accounting and final settlement of enterprises income tax of the period in question to tax authorities within 60 days of the actual termination of operation.


What materials should be submitted to apply for the final settlement of income tax?


When the enterprise apply for the final settlement of income tax,it should truly fill in and submit the following statements and materials.(Attention:If the taxpayer entrusts the tax-related professional agency to apply for the final settlement of income tax, it should submit the original letter of authorization signed by the taxpayer.)


The non-resident enterprises which are levied according to the actual production and operation activities:


The non-resident enterprises which are levied on the verified tax rate:


Non-resident Enterprises Institutions、 Places who adopt summarized declaration of income Tax:


Legal liabilities


The enterprise who fails to handle its declaration of annual income tax within the prescribed time limit,as well as other behaviors that violate the provisions of tax revenue regulations,shall be dealt with in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Law of Administration of Tax Collection.







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